Bihar Board 12th English 100 Marks Online Test 2024 : बिहार बोर्ड इंटर परीक्षा अंग्रेज़ी ऑनलाइन टेस्ट

Bihar Board 12th English 100 Marks Online Test 2024 :- दोस्तों यदि आप इस बार BSEB Class 12th Exam 2024 देने वाले हैं तो यहां पर आपको Bihar Board 12th English 100 Marks Online Test  दिया गया है जो आपके आने वाले Inter Exam English 100 Marks Objective Question के लिए काफी महत्वपूर्ण है इसलिए आप इसे शुरू से अंत तक जरूर पढ़ें |

यदि आप कक्षा 12वीं की वार्षिक परीक्षा में अच्छे अंक प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं तो ऑनलाइन टेस्ट सीरीज अवश्य दें इससे आप परीक्षा में पूछे जाने वाले वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न को आप अधिक से अधिक बना सकते हैं | Class 12th All Chapter PDF Download

1. The year AD 1066 is taken to be the end of the …….. period. 


2. Charles Dickens was a novelist of the —


3. Rupert Brooke praises —


4. Rupert Brooke has written the poem


5. ‘Bharat is My Home’ is written by —


6. English used since AD 1500 till now is called ……….. English.


7. The history of English lanugage is just about ……….. years old.


8. Ratiram was the son of ………….


9. Macavity is a —


10. T.S. Eliot has written the poem —


11. John Keats has written the poem —


12. Who has composed the poem, The Soldier’?


13. ‘A Pinch of Snuff’ is written by —


14. …….. was the role model of Dr. Zakir Husaain.


15. ‘I Have a Dream’ is written by


16. ……….. is a master of criminal.


17. Old English covers —


18. …….. went to the minister in Jodhpur coat. 


19. Dr. Zakir Hussain was born in ………… 


20. Martin Luther King, Jr. Beloged to —


 S.N Class 12th Arts Question BankSolution
 1History ( इतिहास ) Click Here
 2Geography ( भूगोल ) Click Here
 3Pol. Science ( राजनितिक विज्ञान )Click Here
 4Economics ( अर्थ शास्त्र )Click Here
 5Sociology ( समाज शास्त्र )Click Here
 6Philosophy ( दर्शन शास्त्र )Click Here
 7Psychology ( मनोविज्ञान ) Click Here
 8Home Science ( गृह विज्ञान )Click Here
 BSEB Intermediate Exam 2024
 1Hindi 100 MarksClick Here
 2English 100 MarksClick Here
 3Physics Click Here
 4ChemistryClick Here
 5BiologyClick Here
 6MathClick Here
 Class 12th Arts Question  Paper
 1इतिहास   Click Here
 2भूगोल  Click Here
 3राजनीतिक शास्त्र Click Here
 4अर्थशास्त्र Click Here
 5समाज शास्त्र Click Here
 6मनोविज्ञान Click Here
 7गृह विज्ञान Click Here
 8दर्शनशास्त्रClick Here
 912th All Subject Online Test   Click Here
 10Class 12th Model Paper   Click Here

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